Yeah! Year end holidays...又是出游的日子…当飞机师报告即将抵达河内时,从窗外望出去, 开始会很兴奋. “Hanoi, here I come!”. 事先已安排接机人员載我們到了旅舍(Hanoi Guest House), 大约1个小时的车程, 便到了位于河内旧区(Old quarters) 的Hanoi Guest House。越南的建筑物大多都是瘦瘦长长的。其实单看外貌,位于河内旧区36条古街其中之一的Hanoi Guest House并不出色, 若不留意的话肯定会错过。到了那酒店,经理出来招待我们, 带我们去看他们的房间。进了房间, 梳洗完毕,也差不多是晚餐的时间了。我想念在胡志明市鸡丝河粉 (pho ga), 所以问经理(Ms Linh) 有什么地方可以去之类的, 也可以吃到鸡丝河粉的, 经理给我们一人一张地图 , 也很好的向我们讲解河内的地图,有什么地方可以去. 我们就沿着地图的指示来到附近的餐厅吃越南出名的鸡肉果条. 河内的鸡肉果条, 原来是有另一番风味的 .. 可以配面的辣椒, 配着吃真是刺激.. 在槟城住了那么久以为外地没什么辣的东西可以难倒自己了, 没想到这个辣椒竟然比小辣椒还要有过之而无不及!(想到它的美味都流口水了)…吃饱后,继续四处走走河内旧区. 到了Dong Xuan Market, 卖手工艺品,纪念品, 小饰品的精品样样齐全. 我们没买什么东西, 走走看看就回去酒店休息. Beside the streets, there are many stalls like this....very cute stools!
一大早, 我们点我们各自的早餐, 我选了pho ga和咖啡, 就这样的坐在大厅里享受着在越南里美味的第一餐。只见大厅里多出了6个人, 他们也是从我国过来这里游玩的. 吃饱了,坐了一下之后, 去下龙湾的司机已经来接我们了. 我们参加了当地的旅行团, 上了车后就开始前往我们今天的第一个目的地--下龙湾. 3个小时半的车程除了睡睡醒醒之外,欣赏路边的稻田风景和拍照是我唯一消磨时间的方式。途中会stop在一个手工艺中心休息半小时上厕所.
The craft centre with handicapped people working on the arts
巴士停在一个那地方有很多身体上有不便的人士在那边以精致的手工制作漂亮的图、手工艺品等,外面也有很多很漂亮的雕刻。这个下龙湾package是两天一夜的,之前也跟经理定好了-USD65罢了。这个USD65 也是包括 了船票, 入场票, 住宿, 膳食,tourguide,van, 但不包括饮料. 到了Halong Bay, 导游领我们上船, 我没想到竟然有机会踏上这样的中国式帆船, 还认识了可爱的MM who thought I was pretty and wanted to be my friend.
启航两个小时后,船长把船停在一座石灰山(Dong Thien Cung) 前, 导游示意我们参观山洞里的钟乳奇石。During the hiking, I saw my lovely pearls, dangling around the counter….Haiz, wish I had bought it. It’s so cheap and yet I didn’t buy it because I thought may be some other places have them too (with cheaper price). Stupid of me!!!!! Well, after visiting the cave, we went to seesea creatures like squid, prawn, angelfish and lobsters; they were quite cheap compare to the price those creatures worth in Malaysia. But to me, sea creatures are all my friends…I really wonder how could people be so cruel to kill all those cute little things. the back to our Imperial Junk. 在船上, 我们认识了一對法國夫妻攜女兒 who were travelling around Asian countries. They had been to Malaysia before. They told us that it was weird to them that our Orang Asli had hand phone even though they were staying in the jungle. C’mon, halo?! What’s wrong with the picture? Still think Malaysians live in the trees? Well, we had our lunch and dinner with them that day. At night, there was nothing to do in the junk, so we had an early bedtime.
一早起来, 我们 上甲板拍照去了 and enjoy the sunrise view. Then after having breakfast, we returned to Hanoi. Before departing to Hanoi, we had lunch at a restaurant where we saw the preserved reptiles. It is said that when male drinks the ‘juice’, it will make them strong….yeah right… 回到Hanoi, 我们去逛在附近的还剑湖. 还剑湖(Hoan Kiam Lake) 也称为小湖,位于河内旧城的中心区, 被称为河内第一风景区,这里四周树木苍翠,湖水清澈如镜。湖内岛建有龟塔(ThapRua),塔身小巧玲珑,顶端有一颗星。关于还剑湖的传奇都不脱李太祖获得神剑的经过及他使用这把神剑抵抗明朝的侵略的过程, 当李太祖终于推翻明朝的统治后,便驾着小舟来到还剑湖的湖心,将神剑还给神龟, 据说这只神龟从李太祖手中收回神剑后,就马上潜入湖中,从此消失无踪,“还剑湖”之名便由此来。We walked around the streets of Old Quarters and there were many hawker stalls along the streets. After looking around, we finally bought a packet of glutinous rice wrapped in a leaf and it tasted heavenly. After tasting such yummy thing, we couldn’t help but wonder how many great food out there for us to explore. So, along the way, we had tasted the most moist, soft chicken porriage (chao ga) and yummy fried corn which you can never find in Malaysia. The dinner was perfect. After walking to and fro along the streets of night market, I finally bought my scarf. Late at night, we finally decided to go back to the hotel and rest.
My breakfast started with pho ga again…don’t blame me, it was the best thing I ever tasted. We had booked the Hanoi City Tour with Hanoi Guest House. So, after eating, the van came to pick us up. Our tour guide was a very young man (the only Vietnamese who spoke English that I can totally understand). In our tour group, we were glad that there were Malaysians too. They came as a family—a father and 4 kids. First stop of the tour started with zhen国古寺. The temple was a pretty place. After that, we went to Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum to visit Uncle Ho (that’s what the Vietnamese called him).
After going back to the guest house, we took our bath and then walk towards the Hoan Kiam Lake because we wanted to watch the water puppet show. While waiting for the show to start, we had KFC for our dinner because I really didn’t know what to eat anymore…and the KFC restaurant was so near to the water puppet theaters. After watching that ‘so-boring-punya’ show, we walked around the lake and went to a nearby shopping complex to buy souvenirs. When we went back to the hotel, it was already very late.
************************************************************************************* We rented a motorbike to go around Hanoi City for adventure. Hehe…it was exciting because they were so many bikes and yet, we could sway around the town like nobody’s business…We actually went to the other districts to have a look-see. When we reached the book district, we made a stop, that’s because we wanted to buy some cheap books. Well, most of the books were in Vietnamese and it was difficult to find English books. So I couldn’t buy anything. This place is not like Popular Bookstore. After searching high and low for books, we went to the Ladybird Restaurant to have lunch as planned. Then, we went to the biggest Catholic Church in town. The church is beautiful and it really has this calming effect on you. Ahhh….such bliss!
After travelling in bike for more than 7 hours, we felt tired and headed back to the hotel to pack. We had our dinner in the same restaurant (the first day one).
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