
I have forgotten to add in these places:

阿马逊森林 – to feed the mosquitoes
耶路撒冷 - hoping to see Jesus Christ, hehe…
撒哈拉大沙漠 – to eat sand
美国大峡谷 - ahhhh, paradise!
西藏 - to chant and meditate
羅馬 - to feel what Audrey Hepburn had felt in her Roman Holidays
希腊 - to get a glimpse of the myth about Hercules and Zeus
布拉格 - What can I say? It’s romantic
阿拉斯加 - to watch aurora
蒙古的大草原 - `天苍苍,地茫茫,风吹草地,见牛羊
梵蒂冈西施教堂 – to see the pope of course!
巴比伦空中花园 – Is it still there?
阿爾卑斯少女峰 - Do I really have to be there?
迪拜 - 找一名高大帥氣的老公…. 开玩笑得啦! 我不是在找碴啦!