My first trip! Beijing-Chengde-Tianjin

On 11th March 2006, my very first trip with passport began in Beijing, China. Such a 'windy cold' welcome ceremony I had there when all of us arrived at the airport. Our tour guide--Xiao Zhang led us to a brightly warm and cozy restaurant to have our first dinner. It was supposed to be the first of spring but the air was so "freezing" that I really wished to stay in the hotel and not coming out. But well, our tour guide was so used to that kind of weather and it obviously didn't occur to him that we were not trained in this kind of weather.
在经过昨晚第一次在寒冷的街头上的实验后,已经做好抗冷的准备了。And off we went to the 天安门广场, forbidden city(紫禁城故宫), 和绅的恭王府, .
在北京的第二天行程,就是天坛公园和地下城. In 地下城, there was a silk factory. It's such an experience to look at silk worm and how silk are made. Yet, I didn't buy it 'coz I knew it's difficult to wash silk cloth (Hehe, actually I am too lazy to hand-wash the silk). Lunch time, we went to 全聚德 to eat北京烤鸭. Though I do not eat duck, everyone insisted I must try it. And so, I just put a piece into my mouth (just to spit it out when everybody was not looking).
第三天行程就是北京明十三陵(still couldn't understand why we need to see the tomb--there was really nothing to see!)和八达岭的万里长城Great Wall of China. But before we went to Great Wall, we had to stop by a 专卖玉石的地方/加工厂/玉雕厂. This is a place to buy all kinds of jade. (Still couldn't afford to buy it 'coz I only had RMB600 only). After visiting the Great Wall, again we were dragged to 专卖水晶的专卖坊. (and I still couldn't afford to buy anything).


The next day, our trip started from 北京颐和园. When after visiting 颐和园, we were once again dragged to 专卖珍珠的Freesky Pearl Factory and 卖茶的专卖店. 三轮游胡同,and after游胡同 , we took a 4 hours bus ride to 承德. When we arrived 承德, it was already 10pm, so there wasn't much to see. But the dinner was terribly good, especially 著名小吃叫着“爬丝”.
Early in the morning (the weather was still very,very windy), we went to 避暑山庄, 烟雨楼和外八庙外. 普陀宗乘之庙属于承德外八庙之一, 俗称"布达拉宫" .
On the 6th day, we went to天津. 天津的古玩城人潮不多. 古玩城 is a must go (especially for shopaholic). There I bought my favourite 北京奥运吉祥物福娃, 一套10个小小的福娃magnet才人民币10. 古玩城之后就来到这蛮热闹的南市食品街. The famous 狗不理包子 is a must try! At night, we all curi-curi slipped out to 王府井 night market (东华门美食坊夜市)-- a place where they sell a lot of 炸蚱蜢、炸蝎子、炸海马、炸蝉蛹etc...yucks! Then, after looking at those 'geli' stuffs, we (all ladies) went shopping in 东安市场. 红剧场 was the place where they show 少林功夫 and 杂技表演.
The next day, back to Beijing and went shopping again in 雅秀商场. 这间雅秀购物商场可以算我们离开北京回国之前的最后一个地方了.
Back to Penang. As a first time traveller, 对我这个从未出过国的人真正体验到人在国外的一些新鲜感受。My only impression of Beijing was the weather太冷了!!! But I kinda like it when导游带去买玉,买药,买茶,等等. What I hate the most was that the local people really like to 随地吐痰, very 恶心!

Well, as a conclusion, all I can say is: 北京真的很棒! Love the food, love the shopping trip!